Kosmos is an Eldorado for Polish science – an article in “Puls Biznesu”
The Polish Academy of Sciences and NASA have been partners for many years. They conduct joint research and experiments. The Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences is working on the construction of a GLOWS photometer for IMAP space mission, Institute of Nuclear Physics Henryk Niewodniczański PAN takes participation in an experiment that will enable the long-term presence of humans on the moon.
The Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CBK PAN) from Warsaw is working on the construction of a photometer GLOWS (GLObal solar Wind Structure), designed to study the effect of solar wind on hydrogen gas in the heliosphere. This is part of the IMAP (Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe) mission on the research of the heliosphere. GLOWS – as the only one in the history of NASA space missions – is a completely Polish instrument designed and built at CBK PAN. IMAP is to be launched into orbit in 2025 with a SpaceX rocket. It will be placed between the Earth and the Sun, about 1.5 million km from Earth.
The GLOWS project has been recognized by our American colleagues as feasible at CBK PAN thanks to the extensive experience of the engineering team, especially from FPGA Satellite Applications Laboratory [Field Programmable Gate Array – ed.]. Based on achievements of the engineering team (many completed instruments and components of space instruments, including projects commissioned by the European Space Agency) it was decided that CBK PAN will be able to build and integrate the GLOWS photometer in cooperation with foreign institutions on the terms applicable at NASA – emphasizes Dr. Maciej Bzowski, head of the GLOWS project.
Full article (Polish) is available here (after paying for the subscription).